


嘿嘿, 最近都沒有上傳新歌, 其實是因為找不到下載mp3的地方啦, 聽到的幾張專輯也沒有甚麼很喜歡的, 一直偷懶著… 昨天想把backup的mp3裝回硬盤, 居然發現有一張不能用了! 而且裡面裝的都是我喜歡的worship的歌. 今天跑去學校跟andrea說, 神在懲罰我的偷竊行為… 可是要是沒有mp3的話, 我也不會買那些cd, 有了mp3, 有時候我還是會去買那些很喜歡的…

說起偷竊, 我從戲子網頁上偷來個播放音樂的script, 好像很好用耶! 按cd的icon會有下載框框出來, 我會儘量常常換歌的 — 要不然還真浪費我新domain的空間 =p

我很喜歡上面的第一首歌, t.A.T.u.的Ya Soshla S Uma. 英文版的All the Things She Said已經風靡美國了, 第一次看到mtv嚇一跳, 不過我想聽歌不代表我也是同性戀吧 ^^” 喜歡這個從俄國出來年輕組合的風格, 今天(很辛苦的)下載了整張專輯, 推薦再推薦.

還有, 不知道有沒有人看到上面menu上新添的佳佳, 是我這個週末無聊的產物, 內容和這裡暫時一樣, 我還沒想好要拿它做甚麼:) 也許會來個簡體版還是怎麼樣吧.


5 responses to “點點更新”

  1. a regular visitor Avatar
    a regular visitor

    Yeah, I love “All the things she said”! It’s one of those rare songs that I still haven’t had enough although it’s been WAY overplayed on radio.

    My all-time favorite mp3 site is frankmp3.com. You need to register first though.

  2. a regular visitor Avatar
    a regular visitor

    One more thing, I’ve seen the video. It’s no big deal. Even Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful” has more explicit gay scenes.

    They have never openly admitted they are lesbians. Of course, they haven’t denied it either. I think it may be just a marketing thing. I read it somewhere that their producers designed the “lesbian + disco” pattern for them because that would sell.

  3. Yeah, it’s been really overplayed… that’s why I put the Russian version on my page 🙂 I haven’t seen Beautiful’s video yet actually… But I actually like the message in the song a lot.

    Hehe, I think I actually registered for frankmp3.com some time ago but kinda forgot about it… THanks for reminding me!

  4. a regular visitor Avatar
    a regular visitor

    You gotta see “Beautiful”! It’s such a powerful video. I don’t think words can describe my feelings.

    If you are not homophobic, you should be moved by it deeply. Strongly recommend it. I have this video in mpg format. Super quality, but the file size is HUGE (like 50MB or something). Would you like to receive it? I can add you to my MSN and send it to you.

  5. really? hehe that’s kewl… my MSN’s muka@expiredpineapple.com ^^ I’m not homophobic, rather curious about a different lifestyle I think

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