sweet revenge



So I finally had a chance to check up on all my friends’ New Year pictures and I deeply regret that decision! It’s like how my countless diet efforts failed: see chocolate –> know you shouldn’t –> tell yourself you shouldn’t –> eat it anyways –> cry when you get on the scale.

I should be in those pictures! >_____________< Is it my imagination or are all my friends getting thinner and more beautiful/handsome? ^__^ I wanna go home I wanna go home I wanna go home. I think the reason that there are so many holidays in the winter is because winter is such a miserable season that without something cheerful to look forward to, suicide rates would just shoot up once temperature goes below 0. No complaint about work... I'm afraid if I complain then I will remember, if I don't complain then hopefully the irritation will go away. I did something very bad today, got messed up in the head and was 10 minutes late for a lesson. But the mom was soooo nice about it which made me feel even worse. She said her daughter loves me, but apparently her son doesn't considering he spoke like 20 words the whole 30 minute class. It seems that after my college friends lost interest in xanga, my church friends decided to join the fun. So I guess it's good to keep my xanga account. I still wish people would be a little less lazy and just go to my regular website =p It's so much prettier....... +_+ Sometimes it's so much nicer to write in English because I don't have to think... just tap tap tap tap... English may not be the most beautiful or graceful of languages but it definitely is functional. So I'm trying to decide where to go for my April trip -- Bali or Seoul? Or perhaps I can go on a little stretch and hit Russia. Sigh… decisions, decisions… Spending money like I have lots during my holidays is my sweetest revenge against being miserable the rest of the time.


One response to “sweet revenge”

  1. Jiajia, I got your sweet post card today! Really big surprise for me. also I was touched by your words. Thanks jiajia!

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