


normaznSo yeah… I totally should be in bed right now since I’m now officially sicker than a dog, but I was randomly surfing on xanga and somehow surfed on to diaries of these ppl I haven’t seen since freshman year in college… Man, talk about reminiscence! Not that I was that close with them to begin with, but shoot, a freaking ORANGE reminds me of the good old times nowadays. So out of total boredom I went to take this veRy AzN quiz and found out I was normal. How disappointing! Figured I’d at least be a nerd.

So in my Asian xanga ring surfing that I found so amusing, here are my thoughts: It’s SO cuuute 2 c peeps still write like dis. At leAsT dA uPPeRCaSe CraZe died down already. That’s 1 trend I didn’t even have the skills to get to even in my most aZn days man. But heck, did pretty much everything else… filled out all ’em surveys, had a “baby” PLUS “angel” SN, went on Asianavenue and whatever else friendship circle there was, had a HUGE collection of Sanrio and Morning Glory school supplies……. the list goes on. Not that I miss those things much, but man do I feel old when I talk about them.

One thing I wouldn’t mind right now… a good Asian club party~~

P.S. Hip Hop is awesome. Perhaps the lyrics are a little racy, but… hey, that’s what gives it flavor right? Man, I need some serious spiritual cleansing after I get back home. You’d think that realization would make me a little self-aware of what I’m doing and what I need to do. But 12:31 AM Saturday night I’m bitter. Shoot, you are only reading what I dare to write down and not what’s running through my head.

So why this seemingly very un-me post all of the sudden? Neeed change! I’ve been a good girl too long. Being sensible, sensitive, politically correct in three countries, mature (man do I hate that word), understanding… Seriously, give me a break!

Ha, only in my blog dreams. Hmm… what face shall I wear tomorrow?

Current Listening: Misteeq – Scandalous


13 responses to “whiiiine~”

  1. I find it amusing that Hip Hop is your idea of pushing the boundaries, in the post-60s era. =) Burn your bra! Refuse to conform! Seize the day! 😀

  2. hey, I went to a very conservative church… they even told us not to watch Harry Potter =p

  3. Wow, this entry does sound very much un-you. 🙂 Fortunately you gave us a reasonable enough explanation, or I’d get worried. LOL

    Just FYI, AZN is considered VERY offensive. It puts Asians in a bad light. You’d better avoid it at all cost.

    P.S. Nice choice of music. I’ve always loved Misteeq.

  4. who actually uses the term azn except asians themselves anyway? man, i’m so ignorant about mainstream music right now. need ur help! are you ever getting on MSN again?

  5. you got to listen all songs of shaggy and some of ja rule’s songs. they r the best. lots of pain, passion and strenth.

    some remix of ja rule’s “baby say yeah” r so cool.

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    作词:伍佰 徐克

    听见你说 朝阳起又落
    晴雨难测 道路是脚步多
    我已习惯 你突然间的自我
    挥挥洒洒 将自然看通透

    那就不要留 时光一过不再有
    你远眺的天空 挂更多的彩虹
    我会紧紧的 将你豪情放在心头
    在寒冬时候 就回忆你温柔

    把开怀 填进我的心扉
    数不尽相逢 等不完守侯
    如果仅有此生 又何用再从头

  7. i’ve never really tried to listen to lyrics of hip hop or rap songs… it’s too fast and heavily accented even for me @_@ couldn’t find “baby say yeah” but listening to “It’s Your Life” right now 🙂

    BTW, your blog continue to crash my IE everytime I try to visit~ it seems like my mozilla is only used to access your blog now… haha ^_^

  8. 嗬嗬,谢谢分享:)只不过… rm的连接进不去,mtv的连接我的media player居然有问题看不到 -____-

  9. aZn is offensive? For the Love of Shiva, to whom? Kids going on about aZn power are certainly less offensive than kids going around saying Asian Power! meThinks. The problem with the whole PC movement is that folks just go around looking for reasons to get offended. The 1337 haX0Rs fad, by and by, was something from hacker circles in the late 80s. By the time the mainstream took it up in the mid-90s, I already found it to be incredibly passe.

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  11. 嗬嗬,感觉在聊天似的。

    Alex you sure have a knack for going on a tangent man… but I do agree that aZn doesn’t seem to be offensive to most people I know. It’s all about aZn PrYdE… but I don’t really care either way. About the passe of 1337 hax0R fad, it was quite annoying to me since my CS major hackers-wanna-be friends talked in it one entire summer.

    发条陈~ 收到,下载中:)

  12. Jiajia,

    Just FYI. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=AZN&f=1

    Offensive or not, your call. Not that I want to brag or anything. My major is journalism and we pay a whole lot of attention to such issues, so you should trust me most of the time.

  13. thanx for the link… i guess i just don’t always hang out with the nice asians =p But I’ll be careful of its usage from now on.

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