OK, I HAVE to stop being lazy and update this thing. Tried to write it in Chinese and didn’t really work @_@ So you guys will just have to deal with my idiotic babbling in English for now.
Things that have been brought to my attention, usually by others, accompanied with stares, snickers, or snares:
Lessons learned on the road:
– When stopping at a red light, it’s OK to turn right, or people WILL honk at you
– When stopping at a four-way stop sign waiting stupidly for the other car to go first, people WILL honk at you
– When stopping at green light while daydreaming, people will honk at you LOUDLY and CONTINUOUSLY
Lessons learned at commercial venues:
– Apparently, you don’t order red tea at a Korean restaurant
– You don’t have to bow when you say thank you (OK, so not all people do that in Japan either)
– Customer service people are RUDE here
Things that I realized at one point or another:
– I had a lot more friends than I thought
– I had a lot less friends than I thought
– I read a lot more than I thought
– I collected a lot of crap over the years
– I hate looking for a job
– I’m too old to have posters of movie stars on my walls
– I’ll never be too old to have stuffed animals at every corner of my room
– I love throwing away everything in one bag, instead of figuring out which stupid bin I need to take my trash to on which weekday of which month
– Sleeping on a bed is better than sleeping on the floor
– Japanese phones are so much better it’s not even funny
– I neeeed wireless Internet 🙁
– Food is just different in Japan. Whether it’s Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian…
– Er… fluffy things are SO not in here yet
One last thought b4 I end this randomness…
Did I really want to come back? -___-
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