My position on the election:
I don’t expect the president to fix all of our problems, I don’t believe anyone (maybe God) has the capability. However, I wish to be under the leadership of someone who doesn’t create more problems the deep s**t we are already in.
Oh boy, Mr. Bush just lost the biggest reason he had for going into a war supported by pretty much no one else in the world. Great timing for Duelfer to send in his report 4 weeks before the election.
You know what I really didn’t like about Bush’s debate? How he keeps accusing Kerry for not supporting the soldiers who are already there. Well, damn it, if you didn’t send them over in the first place we wouldn’t have this problem, now would we.
Blair’s excuse is that UN sanctions weren’t working for Hussein. Guess what? No reason for any of UN’s other resolutions to really have any authority now considering how U.S. decided it’s big and strong enough that it didn’t really need to follow international law.
BTW, UN charter has this as its rules on using force against another nation: The charter allows for only two conditions to use force: when force is required in self-defense (Article 51) or when the Security Council authorizes the use of force to protect international peace and security (Chapter VII). Source: The United Nations, International Law, and War in Iraq.
After years of trying to make international organizations like UN and WTO work, how does the U.S. expect others to do what these IGOs ask if it thinks it can start a war without general consent? Granted that 9/11 has already destroyed the illusion of peace that we accepted before, does this war not heighten the animosity that many foreigners already hold against the U.S.? Furthermore, what kind of signal does this send to countries like China or Korea, that actually DO have weapons of destruction and, well, don’t know what to expect from the U.S. next?
I have to confess my sentiments are not backed by serious research, and honestly, I have no desire to put together statistics of how many died or discuss how many might die if Saddam did end up developing WMD, etc. I am also very biased in taking my position even before Mr. Bush took the presidency. I’m not trying to convince anyone I’m right — if I could, I’d run for president too. SO here it is, my totally unthought-through vent on international politics.
Can’t wait for the second debate Friday and see if Bush says anything about this. I know it’s supposed to be on domestic policy and all but maybe the topic will come up, ya think?
Oh yeah, I found this quite amusing… For those who watched (or read, like me) the debate, remember how the president told Kerry “don’t forget Poland?” Well, Mr. Szmajdzinski obviously didn’t appreciate being named as a strong ally like he should, and decided to pull out Polish troops by the end of next year. FYI.
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