


一整個禮拜都是好天氣, 總是七點到八點之間被陽光與鳥聲叫醒. 躺在床上, 眨眨眼睛, 貪婪的享受那一刻的幸福感.
穿著外套坐在電腦前, 即使窩在被子里也還是手腳冰冷. 看著窗外陽光, 真希望它能多帶來一絲絲溫暖.

妹妹在自己房間講電話, 讓我想起高中的自己, 笑. 我想我也曾經像她那樣, 每天抱著電話好奇的探索她和他的新動向, 興奮的打聽和傳播最新的緋聞, 不可一世的批評那些不合眼的同學和老師們吧. 如果可以挖出那台7,8年高齡的Packard Bell, 打開AIM 和ICQ1.0的通話紀錄, 不知道會告訴我多少已經忘懷的故事呢.

考慮夏天回國. 四月底考完試, 五月初老公畢業典禮, 應該還未到暑期的高價時段. 可是又思量著能不能夏天拿幾門課, 早點畢業.
有時候半夜開車回家, 突然會沒了勁頭. 我這麼瞎忙瞎趕到底是為甚麼呢?
還不是, 為了那養得活自己的安全感. 不遜於人的優越感. 而最重要的, 也許就是深深的恐懼時光的流逝.
於是再也不敢太執著. 那會讓我迷失了心志, 一天一月一年, 等我終於醒過來的時候, 手中留下甚麼, 心里失去甚麼, 還有氣力去追求甚麼?

“像她那麼自立的人, 一定是很現實的.” 如果可能的話, 讓我再現實一點吧. 讓我做每一件事情之前, 都考慮到它的revenue generation ability, 讓我交每一個新朋友的時候, 都選擇那些能夠成為我將來的踏腳石的人.
雖然, 如果可以, 我寧願選擇一輩子作夢.

有首歌說, 尋遍了卻失去, 未盼卻在手. 那已經是難得的幸運了.


4 responses to “被陽光叫醒”

  1. Hihi, it seems that these days you think a lot. Sometimes it’s the same for me, just like now, it’s already 10pm in UK and I am still working in the lab, extremely busy these weeks. I don’t know what I’m doing is good for my future or not, because it’s a bit opposite to my attitude towards life. I wanna be free and enjoyable every single day so that why i’m suffering now? Why can I endure this? hehe, someone told me life is a struggle, maybe it’s true but you have to find the fun yourself.

    讓我交每一個新朋友的時候, 都選擇那些能夠成為我將來的踏腳石的人. I agree with you, but it doesn’t mean I wanna get benefit from my friends, just the feeling that someone is with you that’s enough for me.

    我只是不想落到沒有麵包也沒有夢想的地步. I also agree with this idea. Dreams never end.

    Sorry about my awful English, there’s no Chinese input method on this computer. Have a nice day:)

  2. I see your entries are looking very romantic indeed with rainbows, hearts, and roses. 😉 Somebody’s in <3. Anyway, i’m surprised u know how to unlock your phone! haha…

  3.  Avatar

    cannot agree with you.

    I dont think anyone of us will 沒有麵包. It’s just that we WANT a lot more than just basic needs. (I really don’t think ANY of my friends will have trouble getting his next meal) I understand that we need be “realistic” to survive. But that is too extrem, sometimes we have to be others’ 踏腳石, even it seems that we are just giving, not receiving.

    I just feel like to share since I know how you treat your friends – you treasure your friendship and you always care for the little things. Anyways, enjoy the beautiful weather^^

  4. Hello, no idea what’s been written about, but just like when I was in Chinese school, when I didn’t know what I was reading, I looked at the pretty pictures!
    Here’s something related..it’s both awfully cute & a bit cruel at the same time. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/beetle/calcium/WANKO.html

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