face analyzer



Hehe, wow… I must have a VERY Chinese looking face 😛

Personality Profile:

You particularly enjoy the traditional way of life. Having drinks with your friends, attending parties and relaxing while watching TV are some of the simple pleasures you indulge in. You may also enjoy physical exercise. Your driving force is to retire as early as possible, so that you can do the things you enjoy more often. Your main source of ambition comes from this desire.

You dont particularly like your job but you do it without complaining. You realize that the income that it provides is essential to your lifestyle. You are friendly yet competitive with your co-workers. This competitiveness may lead you to squander your earnings to match other peoples’ possessions.

You operate most effectively when there is a set power structure, and the lines of authority are clear. You know your place in the ranks, you play by the rules, and will deliver what is expected of you. You do not care for responsibility; you would rather be care free.

Your view of other types
You sometimes disagree with Boss types, but you respect them for the most part. You may even be envious of their lifestyles. You find Academic types boring and uptight. You have very little in common with them. However some White collar types may respect the accomplishments of certain Academic types. You think that Artist types are unrealistic and immature. You like interacting with Charmer types, and sometimes envy their charisma. You perceive Gambler types mostly as loners and untrustworthy. However, since you may have to interact with them on a daily basis you are not hostile to them. You believe Drifters are too lazy to work for a living but you sometimes feel pity for them.

Other types’ view of you
Boss types may have some things in common with Blue collar types, but for the most part they only interact with you during the course of business. Academics see White collar types as unsuccessful versions of themselves, but because of work situations they may have to interact with you often. Artists do not interact with you, for they consider you to be a slave of conformity. Charmer types may associate with you; they find that the collar types are the people that mostly want to hang around them. To the Drifter types your repetitive routines seem boring; they would prefer having more fun and excitement. They may however enjoy the company of some Blue collar types.

White Collar:
-Slightly more intelligent and ambitious than the Blue collar type.
Occupation Examples: Secretary, Police Officer, Telemarketer, Computer Programmer, Office worker

Blue collar:
-Less intelligent and less ambitious than White Collar.
Occupation Examples: Auto/Equipment Mechanic, Factory Worker, Electrician


8 responses to “face analyzer”

  1. 佳佳,找不到你的Rss……

  2. 嘿,我使了个妙法….自动找到。

  3. xiaozheng Avatar


  4. jiajia Avatar



  5. 很好笑的。嘻嘻。

    沒有近照﹐隨手拿手機自拍一張。結果…嗯﹐原來在軟件眼中﹐我的面孔是46%East Indian﹐38% Anglo Saxon﹐16% South East Asian。(啊﹐怪不得咖哩店的印度女生對我特別友善哪。:)可是﹐0% Chinese﹖!)是個普普通通的藍領而已。又說我promiscuity滿高喔(6.9)﹐嘩噢!Gay factor是1.4﹐這一點倒分析對了。^_^ 回家找別的照片試試看。

  6. 我觉得不是很准咧!因为我后面的分析和你的一模一样。但是我并不是100%的Chinese,奇怪呀!

  7. jiajia Avatar


  8. 咦,好东东,试一下去

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