So yeah, I finally made it to the oral surgeon’s office today and spent a whooping $150 to sit in the waiting room for 45 minutes and talking to the doc for 5. Anyway, it seems I’m more evolved than many people out there with just 3 wisdom teeth, all coming out the wrong way and pushing the rest of my poor teeth into all kinds of random positions.
My teeth are a lot more misaligned than I thought. I took a picture of my x-ray as proof. But I didn’t wanna scare anyone by putting that online. So… Anyone know a good orthodontist? Hmm… actually maybe I should ask for a cheap one too. Or else I should wait until I get a dental plan that covers some of orthodontist’s costs. I have ugly teeth. T______T
So yeah, my surgery’s gonna cost me as much as my new camera. And because of the inefficient insurance company I just paid all my hospital bills from FEBRUARY that were going to the collection agency. I hope they do reimburse me after the stupid insurance company pays them. There goes my spending money for September. No more Ebaying for Miss Julie. I miss my money already. And give me back my maybe-not-so-beautiful-but-at-least-weren’t-ugly-teeh. Argh.
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