Sex and the City

So I finally watched the entire 6 seasons of Sex and the City. I now finally understand what all the hype’s about! Although I do think the series got rather too hopeful at the end. But hey, if you can’t even see hope on TV, how do you expect to find it in real life, right?

Like Carrie said in the final tribute, the 4 main characters all represent rather stereotypical women in reality. Yet I would say that perhaps any woman can see a little bit of every character in herself. Furthermore, perhaps there’s a little part of her that envies something in every character also? One might look down on Samantha’s promiscuity, but her confidence and openness is something that I admire her for. Charlotte may sound like a silly girl whose only goal in life is marriage, but honestly, every girl has that dream somewhere in the back of her mind. Miranda’s cynicism made me laugh countless times during the entire show, but deep down, she was so insecure about not being beautiful or have the perfect body. To be able to laugh about what you believe to be your shortcomings (although I thought Miranda was still very beautiful, especially her eyes) is a strong and difficult step towards facing them. And Carrie — since she wasn’t so stereotypical, she is the most difficult to decipher. What I love about Carrie, is her charm. She makes the people around her laugh, and comforts her friends when they are in trouble in her witty way. If you have such a friend, consider yourself very lucky.

As for the men. My favorite was actually Aiden. He’s the perfect example of the perfect guy you couldn’t love. But I was very relieved to see Carrie end up with Mr. Big, because I just felt that they belong together. In life, some people end up with the perfect guy that they happen to be in love with. Of course that’s the best way to go. Yet often people settle for the perfect guy, in love or not. They may end up even happier than the first couple. Then there are those who are a mismatch in everything but love. Can love conquer all?

Here’s my concluding thought on this whole love thing. Everyone writes their own romance novel. The greatest and most annoying thing is, you choose your characters, but not the storyline. So you never know how the story goes, but when you look back, it’ll always be an interesting one.

I think my favorite my part of the show, was the things that come out of these women’s mouths. And I guess I’m not the only one who enjoys them. >>> Sex and the City Quotes


14 responses to “Sex and the City”

  1. 1,字太小了



  2. 嗬嗬,因为一般都是写中文,所以字体设得小一点,偶尔写英文看起来就麻烦了。

  3. 哎,用英语思考..我啥时候能达到这种水平…

  4. 我又来了…想请jiajia翻译一下朋友写的信:)



  5. 亲爱的,我也很想帮你,但是… 那怎么看都像乱码 >_<

  6. 我也喜欢看欲望城市的,可惜我来日本的时候没来得及买全所有的DVD。喜欢她们每个人,正如jiajia说的,有时候是一种嫉妒。会太羡慕她们身上具有、而我却完全不具备的特质。

  7. 我也喜欢看 Sex and the City. :)

  8. 嗬嗬,看起来不是我一个人喜欢嘛。阿宝一定要看到最后,我觉得第六季还不错。

  9. 这部戏日本在深夜播。全看过,很喜欢。据朋友说我像Samansa,不是滥交,是说话做事。喜欢她口无遮拦。那么火热的人。结局也是很好。不过我不会喜欢比自己小的人。Kelly最后回到起点。现实中这样的事情很多。但作为电视,有点欠缺想象。喜欢她和那个法国的画家,不知为何没有到一起。那样懂得浪漫的男人,很难得。

  10. Kelly拼错了,日文就是这样,听不出l和r的区别,应该是Carrie。这才觉得名如其人,小小的,精致的。

  11. 其实我还很喜欢这样的结局,虽然很平凡。Carrie的男人其实我都不讨厌。尤其是Aidan。离开的时候让我着实伤心了一把。

  12. 亲爱的,英文我很差,不过这个片子我也蛮喜欢的。



  13. jiajia,

  14. Could not agree more, but my favorite guy is Mr. Big.
    Happy New Year Jiajia ^_^

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