045 | Animals :: Iceland, 2014

Found this sheep in distress during our Iceland circumnavigation. We stopped and for a couple of minutes just watched the poor thing struggle to turn itself over. Then someone finally got out of the car and walked up to help the sheep, which only stressed him out more (judging by the additional futile effort he was making to flip over before the people reached him). It was a dangerous mission, approaching a sheep kicking in the air. The first few tries failed, one resulted in the sheep rolling down the hill a few more feet and ending up on his back again. But the group persevered, and with the help of a few other people, we finally managed to roll him over. The ungrateful sheep limped away as soon as he was on his feet, without a even a thank you! Understandable though, given his recent trauma. We left feeling quite heroic, having completed our first sheep rescue mission 🙂


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