Category: Love
As if time was not passing by fast enough with a growing baby, COVID has only made the days blur into one another even more. It’s been over a month since Zoe’s first birthday. Did she start walking right before her birthday, or was it right after? When did she start saying 蛙蛙 (frog) and…
帮宝宝取名字算是大事。我有的朋友是藏着掖着不肯告诉别人,生怕被偷用了。有的是想了好几个名字,要等宝宝出生看一眼才能定下来。有的是父母各有所持,严重的可以吵成僵局。 我个人觉得取名不要太麻烦。简单好念,不要太普通也不要生僻到没人认识,最好还是initial也要好听。一开始想名字的时候说实话根本忘记宝宝还有爸爸这件事,觉得宝宝有个ZZ的initial会很酷,就选了Zoe,越看越喜欢。后来跟J讨论的时候才想起来宝宝是该冠爸爸的姓?ZS就不怎么酷了。虽然觉得孩子是我辛苦生下来为什么要冠夫姓,但想想美国这种社会有个白人的姓说实话还是有优势的,就摸摸鼻子没争取了。这一来觉得既然姓归了你,名字总该随我取了吧!还好J也没有什么特别想要的,英文名就随随便便的这样定下来了。 既然英文名叫做Zoe,音译不就是zhouyi么?连自己的姓都嵌进去了,你看我这名字取得多有技巧!周妈的第一想法是直接叫周一,想着以后每个Monday都要郁闷一次的小孩觉得还是不太好。第二想法是周逸,又觉得这名字太超凡脱俗了不符合我对宝宝未来的期待。文化程度不高的周妈也想不出太多字来,就直接就打了个yi的拼音,看看有没有顺眼的。看到第六行有个奕字,觉得颇有眼缘,就百度了一下,有此得: 【1】形声。从大,亦声。本义:大。【2】同本义 :大。【great】奕,大也。——东汉·许慎《说文》往小来奕。——《太玄·格》四牡奕奕。——《诗·小雅·车攻》奕奕梁山。——《诗·大雅·韩奕》伯夷相唐,尚父宾周。受氏胙国,重光奕休。——宋·王安石《祭吕侍读文》【3】姣美【beautiful】自关而西,凡美容谓之奕。——《方言》万舞有奕。——《诗·商颂·那》【4】累(积),重(复)、重(叠)【many times】是仆与君奕世为通好也。——《世说新语·言语》又如:奕世簪缨(子孙世代都为显宦贵族);奕世(累世,代代);奕代(奕世,累世);奕叶(累世,代代)【5】光明【bright】故其华表则镐镐铄铄,赫奕章灼,若日明之丽天也。——三国魏·何晏《景福殿赋》奕奕(光明的样子;亮光闪动的样子);奕赫(光显的样子)【6】用来表达某种情感的增强,一般前或后带有明显的情感词,加双写“奕奕”:未见君子,忧心奕奕。——《诗·小雅·頍弁》 孔颖达 疏:“奕奕,忧之状。”神采奕奕。——出自明·沈德符《万历野获编·玩具·晋唐小楷真迹》。中来不可绝,奕奕苦人肠。——南朝·梁·刘孝绰 《上虞乡亭观涛津渚学潘安仁河阳县诗》 又大又美又光明的褒义词,还有什么挑剔的?立马拍板,反正也不是法定名字,用了再说。 话说我们周奕小同学出生后,妈妈的第一印象是你声音可真大啊!抱到身边却是小小的那一团,皱巴巴的模样甚是可怜。外婆看着十分怜爱,叫她周小宝。小宝这昵称也太普通了吧!妈妈自然是觉得自己的宝贝要有更特别的昵称。左看右看,觉得最特别的就是这小家伙一天到晚皱着眉头,连睡觉都是苦巴巴的样子,就说叫皱皱吧!但是家里就这么几个人,外婆天天小宝小宝的唤着,妈妈也不知不觉的开始这样叫了。 小宝一天一天的长大,母乳吃得十分愉快。双下巴越来越明显,肚子圆圆滚滚,腿更是肥到被她爹质疑是否营养过甚。老爹自己八块腹肌,对于体重有一定的偏执,看着小宝横向发展十分担心。每次看到她吃完饭一副醉了的样子,被抱着唉声叹气,哀怨的说你这Plauze(可以翻译成大肚子吧)可怎么办。也算是昵称之一吧。 小宝叫了一阵子,外婆觉得不够,在前面冠上了姓,每天周小宝周小宝的叫。我听着觉得十分好,想把她的中文名字改成周晓奕。这样一来如果用initial就成了XYZ,多么可爱(周妈好象对initial格外注重,也不知道是为什么)。 Zoe君的名字发展史到此告一段落,但宝宝还才三个月,来日方长,所以记录在此,过些日子再来回味。
Sister Sister
I still remember the day when I found I was going to have a sister. I was at an extended family dinner at my uncle’s restaurant, which, at the age of 12, was something I absolutely hated through no fault of anyone else. As I stood in the corner and passed my boredom with people…
As I sit at my desk looking out into the beautiful hills of San Francisco this Thanksgiving morning, I am reminded again of how much I have to be thankful for, yet don’t appreciate enough on a daily basis. I have never been one to fear change, in fact, I embrace it and often search for it.…
Meet The Parents
We met them at a hole in the wall Chinese restaurant with decor that hasn’t been updated since the 80s. My parents had already chosen their seats, so we squeezed in awkwardly into the booth, with him literally rubbing elbows with my dad. After the introductions, my parents would spend the next week asking again and…
On being another year older
I feel like I’m losing my sense of time. Birthdays and new years. The best occasion for reflections and resolutions, as they so clearly mark the passing of our days. I’m not a big fan of either, perhaps for exactly that reason. Some people, in their younger days, could not wait to grow up. I…
Catch Me If I Fall
It’s been almost 3 months since I left Shanghai, and I finally feel at home. Apartment hunting in San Francisco has become quite ridiculous. Even at a budget that was double my previous rent, I couldn’t find anything in a remotely comparable location. Then by sheer chance, I ended up finding a unit in the…
The Tie That Binds
My sister came to visit me this past month. I think we spent more time together than we have in years, perhaps had more candid conversations than we’ve had, ever. There were quite a few incidents where people asked us who’s older, which always made me ecstatic as I am and always will be 13…