Tag: architecture
229 | Looking Up :: Sydney, Australia, 2012
Feeling a little trapped looking up the giant concrete prison we choose to spent so much of our time in.
110 | Architecture :: Melbourne, Australia, 2013
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) celebrates the new(ish) art form of moving pictures, whether it’s in movies, games, TV, or other digital forms. Exhibits include historically significant works as well as amateur submissions from students. Inside the museum is a vast emptiness surrounded by geometric shapes, creating a beautiful multifaceted view, quite like what…
106 | Architecture :: Los Angeles, USA, 2016
This is the inside and outside of The Broad in LA, which is one of my new favorite museums. The honeycomb design on the outside is not super impressive, in fact, it kind of reminds me of the foam net fruits often come in. The lobby has a cool cavernous feel, with the eye catching…
105 | Architecture :: Olafsvik, Iceland, 2014
Everyone’s seen Hallgrimskirkja (Hallgrim’s Church) in Reykjavik, but Iceland is actually the home to many other modernist churches, including the Ólafsvíkurkirkja in the little fishing village of Olafsvik, population ~1,000. The church was consecrated in 1967, and if you look closely, it’s made entirely of triangles. We weren’t looking for it exactly, but there happened to be a…
104 | Architecture :: Sydney, Australia, 2012
This building should be familiar to everyone, but perhaps not from this perspective. It’s the Sydney Opera House, which looks white from a distance, but its shells are actually covered in over a million tiles in chevron patterns. These tiles took the architect Utzon three years to design with a Swedish tile manufacturer to reproduce…