Tag: death

  • 271 | Unexpected :: Hallstatt, Austria, 2016

    271 | Unexpected :: Hallstatt, Austria, 2016

    I know, more skulls?? But these are super fancy and decorated. Why you ask? Smithsonian has the answer! TLDR: All across Europe there was a space issue in graveyards, and since Catholics have to be buried underground, churches started reusing the graveyards by clearing out old bones. They started putting them on display to teach…

  • Before I Go

    Before I Go

    I don’t want to, but I’m not afraid to die. Just watched Jimmy V’s speech and it reminded me of this article I read. Cancer is a scary word. You can eat right, exercise 5 times a week, stay away from drugs/alcohol/cigarettes, and somehow still end up with it. And then there are people who eat bacon everyday, chain…