Tag: graffiti

  • 涂鸦日




    我与J正在试验一种新的约会方式。每个月由一人计划一次新奇的约会,做任何事情都可以。上个月J定了吹玻璃的课程,一节课下来我们做了整整二十个玻璃装饰,圣诞树都放不下。捡了看上去还可以的几个,厚颜包装了送给友人(他们愿不愿意挂在自己的树上就不是我们关心的了)。 这个月轮到我,在Airbnb上看到两个还不错的选择,一个是做陶瓷,一个是街头涂鸦。想想上个月已经做过手工,便选了涂鸦,看看天气定了周日的下午,只告诉J说穿件耐脏的衣服。 与涂鸦导游碰面的地方恰好是上次来学过煮咖啡的小店。当时都没有认真注意看对面那一度长长的墙上全都是graffiti。其实我比较喜欢的是street art而非graffiti,但普通人平常都将它们混为一谈。Street art以图为主,而graffiti注重的是文。而那些受邀或是经许可的则称为mural。当导游说我们这次注重的是涂鸦,我本还有些小小的遗憾,但却迎来了惊喜–正好有一群A镇的涂鸦OG在这里耍,真是十分难得的偶遇。 Graffiti从tagging开始,最初也就是把自己的化名(tag)到处乱写,熟练后开始用不同的字体,首先是模仿其他人,到能够创造自己独特的风格,才算是到了OG级别。 说起涂鸦,脑海里的印象就是一群穿着过膝连帽衫的高中生,偷偷摸摸的在墙上用黑色喷漆胡乱写上自己的tag,在警察的追逐中溜走的样子。可是这一群OG还真和想象有些差距。一群清一色的中年人,挺着啤酒肚,穿件T恤衫,带着棒球帽,悠闲地边喝啤酒边听音乐,在这里呆一整个下午也没有人理会。但看他们的作品也确实高超,连普通人都看得出美,绝不是无聊的高中生能够随意画出来的。 要是平时,即使看到他们在作画,我大概也不会赶上前去搭讪。毕竟graffiti说起来还是一种犯罪,这些人也大多不喜欢被别人骚扰。但这次因为有导游,他又是这个圈子里面的人,我们不仅能够近距离看他们创造,还发现他们随和的很。好几个人来来去去的时候都跟我们打了招呼,我最喜欢的一个还上前来自我介绍,让我受宠若惊。 在这边流连忘返了半天,最后半小时我们终于自己拿起了喷漆,在咖啡厅后面的墙上写下了自己的tag。我的自然是最简单的名字缩写,当你的名字是JZ,很难有动力去找更酷的化名。 我对这个实验至今的结果很满意。希望新的一年可以有更多的时间来探索自己的城市,即使不能像从前那样随意来一场说走就走的旅行,也希望生活中可以充满不一样的惊喜。

  • 256 | Bicycles :: Vienna, Austria, 2016

    256 | Bicycles :: Vienna, Austria, 2016

    Hmm I guess this is a very ordinary bike but it happened to park in front of an interesting mural so it made the cut!

  • 176 | Tunnel Vision :: Xiamen, China, 2014

    I think it was due to a canceled trip, or a broken heart, that made me tag along a capoeira retreat to Xiamen. Since I was not there for the capoeira, I spent one day visiting all the touristy places in town, and wandered into this tunnel at Xiamen University. It took me a while…

  • 079 | Windows :: Prague, Czech Republic, 2016

    079 | Windows :: Prague, Czech Republic, 2016

    Loved these colorful, Picasso-esque window monsters on the sidewalk next to the Vltava River.

  • 068 | Street Art :: San Francisco, USA, 2012

    068 | Street Art :: San Francisco, USA, 2012

    I’m ending street art week with one of my favorites, a long standing piece that’s hidden in the alley between Valencia and Mission streets, less than two blocks from where I used to live. I love the burst of colors, the use of repeating geometric patterns, and most of all, the man’s silhouette that encases…

  • 067 | Street Art :: Xiamen, China, 2014

    067 | Street Art :: Xiamen, China, 2014

    I grew up in China during the awkward transition phase between propaganda posters and Chanel ads, and honestly found there to be many similarities between the two. Both consisted of an idealized image of who you should strive to be, and an easy to remember slogan. I encountered graffiti much later in life, and found…

  • 066 | Street Art, Cologne, Germany, 2016

    066 | Street Art, Cologne, Germany, 2016



    There is a long graffiti wall on the way to the Cologne Zoo and I had a killer time posing in front of all of them.

  • 065 | Street Art :: Fez, Morocco, 2016

    065 | Street Art :: Fez, Morocco, 2016

    Morocco actually has quite a bit of street art. Most of them seem pretty amateur, just your usual tagging and such. I love the simplicity of this one though, with the peeling wall adding some texture to the overall composition while the pink balloon jumps out vibrantly against the earthy tones of the city.

  • 064 | Street Art :: Melbourne, Australia, 2013

    064 | Street Art :: Melbourne, Australia, 2013

    Must be a bit creepy to have all these faces staring at you on your daily commute…

  • 063 | Street Art :: Lisbon, Portugal, 2013

    063 | Street Art :: Lisbon, Portugal, 2013

    I had not become obsessed with graffiti yet when I visited Lisbon, and later much regret not exploring the street art culture of this city more. Got this quick shot from the window of a moving car, on a street where the brick walls of old, unused warehouses served as ideal canvases for large scale…