Tag: travel

  • Moroccan Diary – Book 1

    Moroccan Diary – Book 1

    The first book was Crake and Oryx. It was my third Margaret Atwood, and I was struggling. But it’s takes a lot for me to leave a book unfinished, so I trudged on. The flight to Madrid was long, and by the time we got on the tiny plane to Tangier, I was halfway done.…

  • Trip Planning

    Trip Planning


    in ,

    I never felt comfortable giving advice on trip planning because I used to travel quite spontaneously and haphazardly. It didn’t matter so much when I’m traveling by myself without an end date in mind, but since I’ve returned to the real world, I’ve had to accept the fact that a time-limited adventure with travel companions can benefit…

  • Same same, but different



    Africa, Eastern Europe, or Burning Man? You know life is good when your biggest dilemma is making a decision between these three for your second big trip of the year. Two of my favorite reads last year were Madeleine Albright’s Prague Winter and Milan Kundera’s Unbearable Lightness of Being. So when Prague, Budapest, and Vienna were among…