Tag: unexpected
271 | Unexpected :: Hallstatt, Austria, 2016
I know, more skulls?? But these are super fancy and decorated. Why you ask? Smithsonian has the answer! TLDR: All across Europe there was a space issue in graveyards, and since Catholics have to be buried underground, churches started reusing the graveyards by clearing out old bones. They started putting them on display to teach…
269 | Unexpected :: Evora, Portugal, 2013
OK so we did expect to see bones in the bone chapel, but that skeleton scared me 😛
268 | Unexpected :: Athens, Greece, 2013
Found a familiar face in Athens and had to take a pic with him!
267 | Unexpected :: Seoul, South Korea, 2013
Also found in Korea… this little 3D museum with all kinds of gems like this one!
266 | Unexpected :: Jeju, South Korea, 2014
Jeju is a beautiful little island off the coast of South Korea, known mostly for its scenery and tranquility. But then this local attraction shows up — Jeju Loveland, a sex themed park that’s all kind of wacky! According to trusty Wikipedia: During the 1970s, Jeju Island became a popular honeymoon destination for Korean couples,…
265 | Unexpected :: Kathmandu, Nepal, 2014
The rain poured down so quickly and violently, we didn’t even have time to get back into the row of stores we had just left, and ended up standing under a ledge watching the downpour. The lady approached us timidly, raising her little sign showing her craft. I enthusiastically obliged. She worked quickly, creating an…