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Renfest – Grand Finale
3 responses to “Renfest – Grand Finale”
把所有的照片看了个遍, 太漂亮了, 拍得像电影剧照一样。发现jiajia 是那种很注意生活中细微美丽事物的的女生哦 ^_^
I love events like this so much, especially when I get to walk the same paths I did when I was kid. There’s a kind of double perspective you get, the deja vu of having been to a place not quite the same as before, and seeing it through the lens of your present self. Really interesting is when you see places you remember from when you’re four feet tall. The world was a much BIGGER place back then, and it’s really weird how perspective works. I mean, your mind’s eye isn’t any bigger, your eyes just happen to be in a higher place than they used to be, although I suppose the limits of touch affect those as well. It kind of makes me want to run through the faire with arms outstretched, and play airplane, like I used to do as a little kidkid. Get me drunk enough, and I might just do it too :p
Anyhoo, thanks for taking all these wonderful pictures, I had tons of fun!
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